New Years Resolutions. 3 main tips for success
Now before you think it, these tips may seem obvious but we want you to REALLY think about them and ask yourself if you are doing them. These three little steps to back up your New Years Resolutions will be your fastest way to a healthier and happier lifestyle.
1) Get some sleep:
Our bodies repair during solid sleep. If you are not getting enough hours of quality sleep then you are depriving your body of its optimal time to repair and recover from any stresses that have been placed on it. My top advice would be to try and go to bed at nearly the same time every night. The best thing for getting to sleep on time every night is routine. Without routine the body will struggle to find a rhythm.
2) Increase activity:
This may sound obvious, and you have probably heard it a thousand times but increasing your overall daily movement can sometimes be better than going to the gym once per day. Through our own testing and other scientific testing, we have found that people who go to the gym for approximately 1 hour and are fairly sedentary for the rest of the day actually burn less calories/kilo-joules than someone who doesn’t go to the gym but is active all day long. What does this mean for the person who has a sedentary job though. Try walking or riding a bike to work. It may sound like a chore but once you get into the routine you may find it liberating. Little decisions like taking the stair over the lift can also be very effective. Anything you can do to increase your activity levels during the day is a win.
3) Watch what you eat:
If your like most people around the Christmas period, then you may have let your diet slip a little (or a lot). Don’t regret what you have done, instead use that energy to tighten it up for the rest of the year. A little change in January can turn into big changes later in the year. I find that starting something is always the hardest part. SO JUST START!!! And the rest will come.
Call Holistic Physio Fitness on (02) 9999 6666 and we would be happy to chat with you about anything to do with your health. Get stuck into these New Years Resolutions and let us know how you do.