Active assisted shoulder abduction
Active assisted shoulder abduction
What you should feel?? When performed correctly, you will most likely feel a stretch at the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles. A mild amount of discomfort is usually allowed however should be discussed and decided on in consultation with your physiotherapist.
- Using a pole or a broomstick, hold the pole in the uninjured arm
- Place the affected hand on top of the pole and completely relax that arm
- Push the pole and arm up with the unaffected arm to a height that stretches but does not hurt the shoulder
- You can push as high as you like as long as the shoulder does not cause you any significant pain
- The higher you can go the more effective, however it must be within your agreed comfort zone
- Throughout the set you can go higher or lower depending on how your shoulder is reacting
- Generally, this exercise should not cause pain in your shoulder
Main muscles targeted:
- The glenohumeral joint or shoulder joint
Main benefits:
Active assisted shoulder abduction is designed to re-create a passive shoulder joint stretch outside of the Physiotherapy clinic. By using your opposite arm and the stick, you are able to lift the affected arm through range to stretch out the glenohumeral or shoulder joint. This is designed to attempt to regain some lost range of motion and move as close to full range of motion as possible. It is commonly used for shoulders that are chronically and acutely stiff, that are unable to be lifted actively through range of motion.