Ankle eversion (Isometric hold)
Ankle eversion (Isometric hold)
What you should feel?? When performed correctly, you will feel the muscles in your outer ankle burning. You may also feel discomfort at the ankle however you need to be able to recognise the difference between muscle and joint pain. If your muscles are burning, this is a good thing. Depending on how strong your foot is you may also fatigue in the small muscles and joints of the foot.
- Tie your band around something solid and sit on the ground with your legs in front of you
- When relaxed your band should pull your foot inwards (invert)
- Gently turn the foot outwards to resist the band, and hold it steady
- Ensure the shin bone does not turn, in order to keep the movement isolated to the ankle
- Continue with the agreed time and sets
Main muscles targeted:
- Peroneal muscles of the ankle
- Muscles of the foot for stabilisation of the band
Main benefits:
Ankle eversion exercises are mainly used to strengthen the muscles of the ankle which contribute to ankle stability. Primarily an isometric eversion would be used to rehabilitate the tendons around the lateral ankle if you have a tendinopathy or tendinitis. It can also be used to strengthen ankle eversion if you have an imbalance between inversion and eversion.