Internal rotation (Isometric hold)
Internal rotation (Isometric hold)
What you should feel?? When performed correctly, you will feel the muscles in and around your shoulder joint. You may feel your pec (chest) working slightly which is ok, as long as it is not overtaking the exercise.
- Tie your band around something solid at about elbow height
- Hold the band evenly and with your wrist neutral, rotate inwards and hold
- Make sure your shoulder blade is back and down and you have optimal posture
- Keep the tension on the band and you will feel your shoulder working
- The further you go the stronger the tension will be
- Hold for an allocated time and tension
Main muscles targeted:
- Rotator cuff (internal rotators)
Main benefits:
Internal rotation of the shoulder joint when done correctly can improve the biomechanics (movement patterns) of the shoulder joint, thus preventing unnecessary injury. This is an isometric exercise so it is mostly to build endurance and proper positioning of the shoulder before introducing movement. It is also a rehabilitation exercise after any shoulder injury to help re-engage the correct muscles that rotate the shoulder, rather than recruiting the larger outer muscles which are not designed for fine control.