What are Goji Berries
Goji Berries are an antioxidant food and like other antioxidant foods they have an important role within our bodies. Antioxidants keep us healthy by preventing disease and promoting good nutrition. Foods that are rich in antioxidants can assist in helping us slim down and maintain a healthy weight.
An example of other foods high in antioxidants are :
* Green Vegetable
* Grains
* Carrots
* Berries
* Legumes
* Green Tea
These foods being rich in antioxidants can help protect our bodies from ‘free radicals’ which are a by product of calories being converted to energy.
Weight Loss & Antioxidants
There are many theories and diets for weight loss ,the only proven recipe is to burn more calories than you consume each day.
Goji berries and antioxidant rich foods ,along with a balanced eating plan of fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, good oils, whole grains and regular exercise will help achieve your weight loss goals.
Any goals you set must be realistic, here at Holistic Physio Fitness our Physiotherapists / Exercise Physiologists are fully qualified to work with you to help organise your weight loss, eating and exercise plan.
Not only can we educate and advise on nutrition , we also have a fully equipped gym and pilates room to assist with your exercise routine.
There is no magic or miracles in weight loss, it is simply a matter of education, planning and preparation ( and some hard work).
Holistic Physio Fitness will help you through the process and set you on a path for a life style of nutrition, health and fitness.
Call us on 9999-6666 or email [email protected]